
Helpful Information

These are just a few useful pieces of information...

Facebook Credits are not free! And Facebook does not give them or money away - ever!

We do not encourage cheat engines. 

People who purchase charms and wishes to help in the game are NOT cheaters! Without people who buy charms and wishes, there would be no money for game development. The game can be beat without charms and wishes. It isn't necessary to have charms or wishes to beat the game, but it is simple - if you want them, buy them. If you don't want to - don't. It is a personal choice.

Some levels are more difficult than others. If you need to, take a break...walk away...or play an easier level for that third star; or play mini games for coins. When you go back to that difficult level, approach it in a completely different manner. Watch the Video to prove to yourself that it can be done. Our Videos usually do not include charms or wishes except for the occasional use of the Precision Charm which is available as a free tool to everyone.

Courtesy and respectful behavior toward all groups is expected

You should never run out of lives. When you are down even one heart, you should request more from your friends. Stop what you are doing and ask for them. That way you won't run out of lives. Sending lives and breaking spells to unlock the next level is very important.

You can surround a bomb. If you can see it, and you cannot easily drop it, but have the extra bubbles, then surround the bomb with bubbles and it will not go off, but avoid them if you can. 

Infections are a major pain. However, dropping them quickly is your best bet. Infected bubbles advance with every shot taken so you really want to knock them out as soon as possible. 

Mystery Bubbles are actually a favorite. You never know what you are going to get. Could be bad, could be good. They have helped us through a level. They drop bubbles into the jars and the score goes up. But if you hit a bad one, you may get an infection, a bomb, or a black bubble. So, hit them at your own discretion.

Many of us use an auto collect program. If you want to know a link to one in use, they are on the website. We also have an automated clicker for coins. Both have saved us a TON of time. They are very useful, self-explanatory and are tools; we do not consider the use of them cheating.

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Bubble Witch Saga is a free game and puzzle! Along with the rules, we have free coins, videos, tips, tricks and cheats on our All Help Group website. And join our Group on Facebook for interactive support for members!